sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007

“Black Consciousness Day”

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was in born 1918.He was a South African resistance leader who, after years of imprisonment for opposing apartheid, emerged to become the first president of a black-majority-ruled South Africa and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Castro Alves

Antonio de Castro Alves , more commonly known as Castro Alves , was born on March 14 1847 , in the town of Cachoeira , Bahia , Brazil . He is best known for his abolitionist and republican poems, and is considered one of the most important Brazilian poets of the 19th century. Life In 1862 , he entered the Faculdade de Direito de Recife . At the same year, he had an affair with Portuguese actress Eugenia Camara and wrote his first abolitionist poems: "Os Escravos" ( The Slaves )

The Brazilian architect and sculptor Antonio Francisco Lisboa, called O Aleijadinho (1738-1814), an exponent of the rococo style, is acknowledged to be his country's greatest architect and sculptor. O Aleijadinho (a nickname meaning "the little cripple") was born in Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais. He was the illegitimate son of the architect Manuel Francisco Lisboa and a Negro slave girl. A lost document, dated 1790, was cited by his first biographer (Rodrigo Bretas in the newspaper of Ouro Preto,

Benedita da Silva

Benedita Souza da Silva Sampaio , (born in Rio de Janeiro, April 26 , 1942 -) is a Afro-Brazilian politician . During her life she faced a lot of prejudice for her humble origin, but she overcame the adversities and was Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro and, later, Minister of State in the Government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva . Origin She grew up in the Favela of Morro do Chap u Mangueira. She was faced with the obstacle of the good appearance - (not being white) and of intelligence. Even studyin...

Taís Araújo

Taís Bianca Gama de Araújo (born on November 25 , 1978 in Rio de Janeiro ) is an Afro-Brazilian actress . Taís Araújo was the first Afro-Brazilian actress to be a protagonist of a Brazilian telenovela , Xica da Silva (1996), in Rede Manchete . She was also a protagonist on another telenovela, Da Cor do Pecado (2004) in Rede Globo channel.

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