segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2007

Inglês na Internet

Uma outra atividade desenvolvida com meus alunos agora nesse último semestre ainda está em curso.Eles sabem que o ano letivo já terminou mas mesmo assim continuam participando.Faz tempo que notei que a maioria dos alunos adoram e utilizam o orkut sendo assim criei uma comunidade onde eles pudessem participar utilizando-se da língua inglesa.Eles tem que entrar fazer uma apresentação em seguida responder aos fóruns.Bem, eles estão chegando...Quer ver?

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007

“Black Consciousness Day”

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was in born 1918.He was a South African resistance leader who, after years of imprisonment for opposing apartheid, emerged to become the first president of a black-majority-ruled South Africa and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.

Castro Alves

Antonio de Castro Alves , more commonly known as Castro Alves , was born on March 14 1847 , in the town of Cachoeira , Bahia , Brazil . He is best known for his abolitionist and republican poems, and is considered one of the most important Brazilian poets of the 19th century. Life In 1862 , he entered the Faculdade de Direito de Recife . At the same year, he had an affair with Portuguese actress Eugenia Camara and wrote his first abolitionist poems: "Os Escravos" ( The Slaves )

The Brazilian architect and sculptor Antonio Francisco Lisboa, called O Aleijadinho (1738-1814), an exponent of the rococo style, is acknowledged to be his country's greatest architect and sculptor. O Aleijadinho (a nickname meaning "the little cripple") was born in Ouro Preto in the state of Minas Gerais. He was the illegitimate son of the architect Manuel Francisco Lisboa and a Negro slave girl. A lost document, dated 1790, was cited by his first biographer (Rodrigo Bretas in the newspaper of Ouro Preto,

Benedita da Silva

Benedita Souza da Silva Sampaio , (born in Rio de Janeiro, April 26 , 1942 -) is a Afro-Brazilian politician . During her life she faced a lot of prejudice for her humble origin, but she overcame the adversities and was Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro and, later, Minister of State in the Government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva . Origin She grew up in the Favela of Morro do Chap u Mangueira. She was faced with the obstacle of the good appearance - (not being white) and of intelligence. Even studyin...

Taís Araújo

Taís Bianca Gama de Araújo (born on November 25 , 1978 in Rio de Janeiro ) is an Afro-Brazilian actress . Taís Araújo was the first Afro-Brazilian actress to be a protagonist of a Brazilian telenovela , Xica da Silva (1996), in Rede Manchete . She was also a protagonist on another telenovela, Da Cor do Pecado (2004) in Rede Globo channel.

Talk about this people:
Name /age/origin/occupation

Nessa atividade aprendemos a usar os pronomes His/Her/Its e a falar sobre outras pessoas.Aproveitamos o "Dia da consciência negra" para conhecer alguns icones afro.

quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2007


Considerando o fato de que o aquecimento global é um problema urgente e de todos ,durante um dos bimestres esse foi o tema das aulas de língua Inglesa.Iniciamos com o texto retirado do site do greenpeace depois de termos lido alguns textos assistimos o filme "Uma verdade inconveniente" e finalmente pedi aos alunos que em grupo elaborassem videos que tratassem do assunto estudado.Alguns grupos fizeram videos que explicavam a questão e um dos grupos fez um vídeo entrevistando a população.Os vídeos ficaram ótimos.

Stop climate change

Greenpeace is asking you to take part in an energy revolution. To go from a world powered by nuclear and fossil fuels to one running on renewable energy. Human caused climate change is a reality. Fortunately, there are proven energy solutions we can put to use today to provide sustainable development and energy for all. Will this energy transformation occur rapidly enough to avert the worst effects of a warming world? You will help decide the answer to that question.
If you still need convincing to join the energy revolution, check out what climate change will mean for you:

Take part in the energy revolution by:
Choosing to take action
Studying the solutions
Learning about the science of climate change

A little help
asking –convidando fuels-combustíveis renewable-renováveis worst-piores take-tome fortunately-felizmente change-mudança occur-ocorrer avert-reverter warming-aquecimento mean-significa join-participar check out-veja

1- O texto foi retirado do site do Greenpeace a que esse grupo se dedica?
2-Que tipo de texto é esse?
3-O que sugerem os títulos do texto?
4-Que convite esta sendo feito na primeira linha?
5-Que pergunta esta sendo feita na sexta linha?
6-De acordo com o texto.
a-O que sinaliza o termômetro?
b-Como podemos participar?

Em que forma os títulos estão escritos (afirmativa/interrogativa/imperativa) explique:
A palavra WILL aparece duas vezes no texto.O que ela expressa?
Will Future - Simple Future
O tempo do futuro na língua inglesa tem duas formas: o futuro com o verbo auxiliar WILL e com a expressão "to be goingo to".
Este tempo verbal será formado pela colocação do verbo auxiliar WILL em frente ao verbo principal em sua forma natural.
Ex.: It will be good to see my friends after all these years.
I will dream of you tonight.
A forma interrogativa será feita com a colocação do verbo auxiliar antes do sujeito, a exemplo da maioria dos verbos auxiliares em outros tempos verbais.
Ex.: Will it be good to see your friends?
Will you dream of her tonight?
A forma negativa também seguirá o modelo dos demais tempos verbais.
Ex.: I think I will not travel on my vocation this year.
Forma Contraida
O WILL também possui uma forma abreviada, que é muito usada na forma oral. As contrações são feitas apenas após pronomes pessoais na forma afirmativa, e com o not (won't) na forma negativa.
Ex.: He thinks he'll win money at the casino, but I know that he won't.


Solutions to global warming - renewable energy, energy efficiency and new environmentally sound technologies - already exist.
The latest report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirms that hundreds of technologies are now available, at very low cost, to reduce climate damaging emissions, and that government policies need to remove the barriers to these technologies.
Implementing these solutions will enable people to usher in a new era of energy, one that will bring economic growth, new jobs, technological innovation and, most importantly environmental protection.
However, for green solutions to global warming to find a foothold in the market, governments and corporations need to shift away from polluting technology. In most industrial countries, conventional electricity is heavily subsidised, and the negative environmental impacts of its production are not reflected in the cost to end-users.
The time has come for us end our addiction to fossil fuels and other climate damaging technologies. Here you can discover how clean renewable energies, like wind, solar, bioenergy, hydroelectric and other sources can combine to create a clean energy revolution. Discover also the misleading myths about these solutions pushed by vested interests aiming to stop the clean energy revolution.

A little help
renewable-renovável/ available-disponíveis/ damaging-danosas/ enable-habilitar/ usher-conduzir/ growth-desenvolvimento/ foothold-apoio/ shift-mover/ most-mais/ end-users-usuário final

Responda em Português:

1-Para qual problema o texto propõe soluções?
2-O que diz o terceiro parágrafo?
3-Segundo o texto quais são as fontes de energia renováveis?
4-Que tipo de energia costuma ser subsidiada pelos governos?
5-Qual sua opinião sobre o assunto tratado no texto?

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2007

Pen Pal

Uma das atividades sugeridas era a de que os alunos fizessem o cadastro no site Pen Pal .Lamentavelmente estou sem internet na escola mas gostei da idéia e fui sozinha ao site de onde tirei atividades para um bimestre.

Primeiro entrei no site e copiei um bate papo entre alguns participantes coloquei um titulo e pedi que os alunos respondessem a essas perguntas básicas sobre os participantes.Ficou assim:

Talk about this people: who are they? Where are they from? How old are they?

Talk about this people: who are they? Where are they from? How old are they?

RonySaige : /How are you?
Dani27 : /fine and you?
RonySaige : /I'm fine..
Dani27 : /sorry but i have to go now...i have to do some things
Dani27 : /see you rony and mercy and have a nice weekend
RonySaige : /thanks.
RonySaige : /bye.
MercyRose : /bye
MercyRose : /xx
Dani27 : /bye ^^
RonySaige : /Mercy, where are you from?
MercyRose : /I am from New Zealand, you?
RonySaige : /From Israel.
MercyRose : /cooL!
RonySaige : /Is hot there now?
MercyRose : /what languages do you speak?
MercyRose : /No, it's only spring .. but it's getting hotter!
RonySaige : /Hebrew (my native), English and I learnd Arabic and now I learn Franch.
RonySaige : /and you?
MercyRose : /I speak English and Spanish
MercyRose : /How old are you?
RonySaige : /15.
MercyRose : /I'm 14
MercyRose : /I'm sorry, but I'm going to go to bed!
MercyRose : /Sweet dreams
MercyRose : /xx
RonySaige : /It's morning here:-]
RonySaige : /good night:-]
MercyRose : /It's past midnight here!
MercyRose : /night
RonySaige : /1:25 AM
RonySaige : /in Israel:-P
RonySaige : /Have a nice dream.
RonySaige : /bye..
choijinsu : /hi Rony
choijinsu : /hello
Sandy14 : /Hello is anybody here?
ondraszek : /hi
ondraszek : /hugs from poland
riley38 : /Hi From Canada
riley38 : /How old is everyone here?
Sandy14 : /Hi from Austria
Sandy14 : /;-)
celtichief : /hellooooooooooooo
RonySaige : /Hi.
RonySaige : /Where are you from?
celtichief : /how you
celtichief : /ireland
RonySaige : /I'm from Israel.
celtichief : /cool.....

-Nessa aula os alunos fizeram pequenas fichas com as informações possíveis sobre cada personagem.Os alunos acharam interessante falar sobre pessoas reais e saber que eles haviam sido sequetrados de um chat.Expliquei a eles algumas características do gênero.Revisamos os Wh questions;to have;países;idiomas.Também não seria eu, se eu não tivesse chamado a atenção deles para o fato que aquelas pessoas valorizavam muito o aprendizado de novos idiomas.Foi ótimo os alunos perceberem que eram capazes de ler textos reais.
-Na aula seguinte fizemos algumas atividades utilizando o vocabulário e os verbos emergentes do texto .Ex.Pedi que eles escrevessem em inglês as frases:
Tenho que ir/Tenho coisas para fazer/Tenha um bom fim de semana
Meu objetivo era leitura mas aproveitei para ver alguns tópicos gramaticais
-Em uma aula seguinte pedi para que os alunos fizessem a lista de todas as formas de cumprimentos emergentes do texto.Foi muito bom rever algumas formas e conhecer outras.

Na aula seguinte levei os perfis que os participantes do chat publicaram no site.A partir deste novo texto pedi que os alunos completassem as informações que eles ja haviam coletado sobre cada participante.
Message | Message created : Sep 8, 2007
Hi I'm Rony and I'm 15 years old
I live in Givaataim, Israel.

I would like to know other people from other countries because it's very interesting and fun.
I would like to improve my English also;-)

I like music very much mainly british bands like The Beatls and Oasis.
I like watch TV and play computer games also like everyone else;-)

And that's it I'll be very glad if you'll connect to me

Message | Message created : Oct 7, 2007
I thought it would be pretty cool to have a pen pal somewhere around the world!
I LOVE to listen to music, to talk to my friends, and to go shopping!
I speak English, and I'm learning to speak Spanish, but I don't think I am very good!
I would love to hear from you all!
Hugs + Kisses,

Message | Message created : May 6, 2007
I,m a 28 year old Irish guy.
Thought it would be good to get to know some people from other places...
hope to hear from ya//

Message | Message created : Oct 6, 2007
Hello boys and girls ! My name is Sandy and I live in Lower Austria. I´m 13 years old and my hobbys are: hearing music, meeting friends, going to the cinema and mailing.
I looking for a pen pal. Please, write to me in German or in English!
Write me soon,
YOUR sandy14

Message | Message created : Sep 29, 2007
Hello, I'm Daniela from Berlin and 27yrs old yet. I live with my boyfriend together. I'm looking for pen pals from all over the world, whereby the age group is all the same and I like snail mail, but email is ok, too.

I hear gladly country music, oldies, swing dance, Drum&Bass and Jazz especially Smooth Jazz, Katie Melua, The Carpenters, Jane Siberry...etc.

Sometimes I write poems or play computer games and I'd like to read murder mysterys, novels and fantasy and I play in the theater club.
Ok that to me and hope I hear from you soon!

-Antes do início da leitura aproveitei para explicar sobre o uso do auxiliar would.Cada aluno chegou a uma profundidade diferente de leitura mas no final todos se ajudam e saem ganhando.
-O último texto da série foi a entrada do site.A atividade proposta foi a de que os alunos explicassem por escrito e em português quais assuntos poderiam ser discutidos nos diversos fóruns oferecidos pelo site.
Main Topics Threads
Travel & Living
Travel to and living. Lodging, sightseeing, shopping, cities, prefectures, landmarks, weather. First-time travelers ask for advice.

Culture & Society
Social topics. etiquette, dating, food, religion, philosophy, sports, etc.

Business & Government
Now includes job applications. Doing business in or with other Countrys. Companies, importing, exporting, trade issues, buying other Countrys, selling to other Countrys, etc. Domestic policies, foreign relations, etc.

Art & Music
Music: Favorite bands, DJs, where to find, instruments, etc. Art: painting, drawing, sculpture, music, poetry, architecture, cinema, etc.

Ask for help or help another member.

Computer talk.

Discussion on where to study Languages.

Hungry? This is the forum for you!

General Topics Threads

Member Introductions
Introduce yourself and let us know your interests, hobbies and what brings you to our community.

Off Topic
Open forum. Discuss any topic you wish within forum guidelines.

Forum Help & Announcements
Get help here with any feature of The Penpals Network or website. Also see the Help Section for help with many common issues. Announcements from the administrator.

Eu modéstia a parte adorei as atividades.Achei que elas promoveram um bom contato com a língua via diferentes gêneros.Claro que se tivessemos usado os computadores teria sido uma super atividade e com muito mais possíbilidades mas a informática em nossas escolas é uma piada.Mesmo assim valeu.

terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2007

Welcome to my life!